How To Train For Your First Marathon

19 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog


Running in a marathon is many peoples dream. However, this dream requires significant planing and sacrifice. If you're not someone who has ran in marathons before, then you are definitely going to have to get into shape. That requires not just dedication, but a detailed plan about what to do and how to do it. This brief outline is designed for the novice who has never ran in a marathon before and help them achieve their goal. The information will cover diet and nutrition, as well as exercise programs designed to help you achieve a fit body for a marathon.

Eat Clean To Run Farther

Diet is a huge part of any athletes training. If you eat junk food, you are not going to be able to perform optimally. So, if you are not eating a proper healthy diet (whole foods, instead of fast food and junk food) you will have to start. And, while some people think that excessive carbs are healthy (there are lots of anecdotes about marathon runners eating excessive carbs the night before a race) most diet guidelines for people training for a race would include a more moderate carb intake, especially when those carbs are simple (such as breads and pasta). Instead, focus on vegetables and learn meats and chicken. Also, eliminate sugar from your diet as well as lower your intake of alcohol.

Up Your Mileage With A Group Fitness Training Program

You want to not only practice for your marathon by running on the weekends and before or after work, what you want to do is train your body in the gym to handle the extreme stress that will come when you are running a marathon. Many runners do not take into consideration that there is a great deal of benefit in doing weight training in the gym. Elite athletes understand this, which is why you always read about them hitting the gym on their off days from runs. So, you should also look into a program where you can do concentrated weight training for your legs. So, for instance, you might want to find a group training program that is designed for people training for a long run or even, more specifically, a marathon. This way, the instructor will know that everyone in the fitness program is headed towards the same goal. You will mix a variety of exercises together from leg curls to squats. They are all designed to strengthen your muscles and make the final run easier.