Why Take A Group Spin Class In Person

19 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Did you end up buying an exercise bike to use at home when all of the gyms shut down in 2020? You may be in a routine and think that staying home to exercise is the way to go. However, you should consider taking a local group spin class in person, since it can provide some benefits that you may not have thought of.

Live Instruction

Watching a pre-recorded spin class is not the same as attending one in person. That's because you do not have the instructor in front of you giving you live instructions. You can ask questions after the class, have them give you tips on your form as you are pedaling, and be more motivating than a video ever will be. 

Group Interaction

One of the main benefits of going to a group spin class is the interaction with everyone else in the class. It gives you the opportunity to chat with other people in your community, make friends, and interact with each other. Since you already have a common interest in taking spin classes, you may find that you have other things in common as well when it comes to fitness and healthy lifestyles. 


You may have found yourself slacking a bit when it comes to actually participating in a spin class from home. It is easy to dial down the resistance a bit, slow down your speed, and not do the lifts as instructed. Being at a live spin class is going to give you the motivation to keep up with the group. You are going to see other people that are pedaling hard, lifting when instructed, and not giving up during the session. Simply having other participants around you and an instructor looking on can help give you a reminder of what it is like to be pushed during a session. 

Better Equipment

Did you end up buying a cheap spin bike for home that pretty much gets the job done? You may not know what it is like to ride on a high-quality spin bike for your classes. Professional spin classes will give you the opportunity to try new equipment, and decide if it is worth upgrading your equipment at home. You may find that it is worth going to the occasional live spin class at different locations to try out different bikes as well. It will certainly be the best way to test drive a new bike.  

For more information about this and other group fitness classes, visit a local gym.